Friday, October 28, 2005

Hi Undies,

I was thinking of inviting The Duck when I read his post saying you owe him a tutorial'll do that.

But I think it would be a mistake changing the's one of four blogs over the 400 veiw mark...with limited promotion...people seem to like it the way it is...when you post and I promote you get an influx in'd probably be at 6-700 now if you posted more don't think it'd be good to turn it into a tech blog...I check the stats regularly and the Realm has very good promise.

We do have a Tech blog...Tech Help for the Non-Technical...a tutorial would probably be better suited there and would increase it's was at one time a popular blog but no one has posted in it for a long time...I'm sure it would take off like a rocket if it had regular posting.

On the injury front...

I'm getting close to 50 now so I notice more aches and pains as every year passes're having a bad year it seems...hopefully next year will be's not far away ;)

Eg ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hey Undies

Don't get your account deleted...just let it ride and that way if you decide you want to return it'll be there waiting for you.

Thanks...I'm glad you like the changes...I just noticed the administrative status, it actually caught me off guard, thought I must be in the Realm :D, when I realized you must've made the change I thought I might as well make use of it :D

Unfortunately it was the top row...egad! And the freezing didn't take because of the infection so they yanked it anyways...Dentist says to me " 10 seconds it'll be out, I'll do it fast so it'll be over quick "...yah, right! They have no idea how painful that is because they've never had a tooth yanked out without freezing.

You got a broken rib? Should I even ask how that happened?

Eg ;)

Me again...

I also changed the green post titles to red to match your banner...and changed the post to white from that hard to see gray.

Might play around a bit with the background color as well.

Hi Undies,

OH...hope you don't mind...I removed that gawd awful navigation bar from the top...relocated your banner...and eliminated the original title.

Eg ;)

The powers of administration :D Bwhaaahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Hi Undies

See you're taking a break from AO...been thinking lately of doing that myself so I can focus more on these blogs and get them well as learning about websites...

AO's been dead lately anyways...there's been a dramatic decline in new questions...I normally hit the new posts and unanswered posts when I'm on and there was always at least a couple of questions I could google the answer for...but lately it's slowed down alot.

Hope everything's well and your decision to take a break from AO is not related to illness or the like.


Eg ;)