Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hey Undies

Don't get your account deleted...just let it ride and that way if you decide you want to return it'll be there waiting for you.

Thanks...I'm glad you like the changes...I just noticed the administrative status, it actually caught me off guard, thought I must be in the Realm :D, when I realized you must've made the change I thought I might as well make use of it :D

Unfortunately it was the top row...egad! And the freezing didn't take because of the infection so they yanked it anyways...Dentist says to me " 10 seconds it'll be out, I'll do it fast so it'll be over quick "...yah, right! They have no idea how painful that is because they've never had a tooth yanked out without freezing.

You got a broken rib? Should I even ask how that happened?

Eg ;)


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